Brown’s bulk adhesive is available by the pound
Liquid adhesives are available in 5 gallon pails, 55 gallon drums and 250 gallon totes
Brown’s bulk adhesive is available by the pound
Liquid adhesives are available in 5 gallon pails, 55 gallon drums and 250 gallon totes
We’ve been through thousands of hours of testing and know what works. Let us help you find a better glue and improve margins as well.
Brown customers achieve meaningful savings when purchasing adhesive equipment along with a recurring adhesives order.
We customize packages to meet your needs! Contact us to learn more.
Established in 2001, Brown Adhesives & Equipment is a fast-growing, family-owned business based in Elk Grove Village, Illinois, just outside of Chicago. Our customers range from Fortune 500 manufacturers to high-volume printing and production shops to large and small consumer products and packaged food companies across the country.
901 Cambridge Drive
Elk Grove Village, IL 60007